French Passport Bro Takes Five Alleged ‘Baddies’ Back To His Apartment.. Wakes Up Drugged And Robbed Blind In Argentina!

“A French tourist who took five beautiful women back to his apartment expecting a ‘good time’ ended up drugged and robbed. Robin Mathis Pourcet Diffembach, 24, was tricked into letting the five thieves into his rented room in Almagro, a neighbourhood in Buenos Aires, in Argentina, on Friday, February 21. Footage shows the tourist entering an apartment building in the early morning with three of the scantily clad five women. One of them then returns to open the door to the building so she can let an accomplice in. The video then captures five women leaving the area with a large suitcase. They are later seen on street-side CCTV waiting on the pavement before the footage ends. The thieves stole Diffembach’s passport, bank cards, and computer. He reported to the police that he had been tricked into allowing them inside where he was staying during his trip. Authorities believe the suspects drugged him with sleeping pills before stealing his valuables. While he initially recalled at least three women being involved, CCTV confirmed that five participated. He told the police that the four shared drinks once they arrived at his apartment. Diffembach said that after that, he did not remember anything, having presumably been drugged. Police are investigating the incident.” – Viral Press


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