28 Jun Carlishia Hood Accepts Nicki Minaj’s College Fund Offer Following Dropped Murder Charges
Last week, Carlishia Hood and her teenage son were facing murder charges. Chicago prosecutors ultimately dropped the charges in the fatal shooting of 32-year-old Jeremy Brown. In response, Hood filed a lawsuit against Chicago and five police officers.
RELATED: Carlishia Hood Files Lawsuit Against City Of Chicago, Arresting Officers After Prosecutors Drop Murder Charges
As that process unfolds, one thing the mother won’t have to stress is her son’s college fund. On June 27, Nicki Minaj pledged her financial assistance to the 14-year-old teen if and when he decides to obtain a secondary education.
Carlishia Hood exclusively stepped into The Shade Room on Instagram to thank the New York rapper and share their collective excitement about her offer.
“We most definitely appreciate you @nickiminaj,” Hood wrote from her account @shynownlater1. “My son just ran and told me to look at Shaderoom. Your comment most certainly just made his day. Yes, my son will be attending college and we can use any help we can get. Prayers and greatly appreciated from you all. Thank you so much Queen.”
Nicki Minaj Praises Carlishia Hood For Her Son’s Reaction During Her Assault By Jeremy Brown
Posting to her 222 million Insta-followers, Nicki Minaj spoke on the June 18 incident with admiration for the affected mother and son.
“That 14 year old boy that backed dat hammer out when that grown a** man was punching his mother in the face as if she were a MAN is a true hero,” Minaj wrote. “If he wants to go to college, I’d love to help. It’s what ANY son should’ve done for their MOTHER. She raised a dope kid & should be proud. Also, God knew b4 she knew; that she’d be attacked that day & made sure they had protected on on DECK. God is GOOD.”
Hood and her 14-year-old faced first-degree murder after she instructed the teen to shoot Jeremy Brown inside a Chicago hot dog stand. The incident started with an argument between Carlishia Hood and Brown. It quickly escalated after he punched her twice in the face.
The teen- standing in the doorway of the South Side establishment- fired the registered weapon at Brown, hitting him before all three of them allegedly ran out. Brown died on the scene. Viral footage from this past weekend shows some of the dispute, including the sounds of gunfire.
The Cook County State Attorney’s Office dropped the charges on Monday. Those charges included contributing to the delinquency of a minor for Carlishia Hood. Their statement stated that the case’s facts, evidence, and law didn’t support the charges.
The post Carlishia Hood Accepts Nicki Minaj’s College Fund Offer Following Dropped Murder Charges appeared first on The Shade Room.
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