22 May All Bad: Man Sets Himself On Fire Outside His Ex-Wife’s House After She Charged Him For Sexual Violence!
A 51-year-old man, after being denounced by his partner for sexual violence set himself on fire inside his truck on the corner of his wife’s house in Mar del Plata, Argentina. The violent incident was recorded by area residents. Justice ordered exclusion from the home and a ban on access to the home where the woman lived. The episode took place yesterday at the intersection of Santa Cecilia and Bouchard, in the Cerrito and San Salvador neighborhoods, when a man parked his red Ford Explorer in the corner of his girlfriend’s house. At that moment, he had already begun shouting for a juvenile court judge to come and talk to him because he received exclusion at home and restriction on access.
After a few minutes, the man said he was holding a five liter can of gasoline and he would pour it on himself and then set himself on fire when no judicial official listened to his complaint. Residents in the area immediately notified 911. A group of policemen from the area came to the area along with firefighters andtried to stop it. Firefighters broke down the car door to rescue him.
Once they released, the man who was consumed by the fire began to walk. Police tried to put out the fire, but he sustained serious injuries to his body. The moment was captured by area residents who, unable to believe the situation, wondered what had happened. When the troops extinguished the fire, the man was rushed to the Hospital Interzonal General de Agudos (HIGA), which shortly after his death was confirmed.
Posted by CZ
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