01 Mar Wrong On So Many Levels: Teacher Slaps Student In The Face For Walking Out Of Class After Being Bullied! [No Audio]
ELKHART COUNTY, Ind. (WNDU) – Surveillance video shows a high school student who was wearing a hoodie in the hallway being slapped and visibly injured by a teacher.
The incident was recorded last Friday at Jimtown High school.
It starts with the student walking down the hall, away from the camera.
Civics teacher Mike Hosinski can be seen coming out of a hallway to the left of the screen. He quickly chases down the student with the hoodie.
When the two are face to face, the teacher is seen waiving a finger of one hand in the student’s face, before slapping that face with his open right hand. The student’s head appears to hit the wall behind him.
The student later stumbles and falls to the ground as the teacher attempts to escort him further down the hall.
This morning, dozens of Jimtown students staged a walkout to support Hosinski–a teacher one participant said was laid back with no temper.
Hosinski has been on the job nearly 40-years and was named Teacher of the Year at Jimtown in 2020.
A community Facebook page was also created to support Hosinski. It attracted as many as 575 members.
Hosinski had earlier served notice that he was retiring in June. He has since requested that his retirement begin immediately. The school board is set to consider that request at a meeting tonight.
The Elkart County Sheriff’s Office continues to investigate the matter along with the Indiana Department of Child Services. Posted by JR
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