27 Sep Karens KKKan’t Learn: New York White Woman Loses Job For Telling Black Couple To ‘Stay In Your Hood’ During Dog Dispute
Another day, another white woman fining out the hard-headed way that, while being racist can be costly, leaving Black people alone is absolutely free.
Recently, a white woman became Internet infamous after being racist in a New York park and threatening to call the police on Black people for dog-related reasons—all while not being named Amy “Central Park Karen” Cooper. (I swear, some white people are as allergic to learning from the mistakes of others as they are to using spices in their food, clapping on the two and four and minding their own business.)
Source: Aleksandar Jankovic / Getty
The woman—who a Black couple says told them at a Brooklyn dog park to “stay in your hood” during a dispute—has now been identified, and her name is Dog-gone Donna.
Just kidding, that’s obviously not her name—it’s actually Lisa Lab-Lice. OK, whatever.
According to the New York Post, the woman involved in the dispute with Frederick Joseph, his fiancee, Porsche Landon and the couple’s dog has been identified as Barking Brooklyn Becky.
Sorry, I really just can’t stop at this point.
Her name is Emma Sarley.
Anyway, Joseph and Landon said Jenny Gentirifier-From-The-Block had mistaken their dog for another dog that apparently disturbs her by barking loudly. Joseph said he tried to explain to her that she had the wrong dog, and he started recording the exchange after she told them that they don’t belong in her neighborhood and that they should instead, “stay in your hood.”
At the dog park in Brooklyn with my fiancé and this white woman was threatening to call police and told us to “stay in our hood” because she had our dog confused with another dog who had been barking loudly. So, I started recording and she tried to slap the phone out my hand. pic.twitter.com/9MXwMiU3Qb
— Frederick Joseph (@FredTJoseph) September 26, 2021
“Stay in our hood? I’m sorry, what?” Joseph is heard asking at the start of the video.
Poodle Park Patty didn’t appear to deny using what absolutely amounts to a racial slur; she, instead, played dumb and acted like she didn’t understand how saying it made her racist.
Unfortunately for her, and to the delight of melanin-rich people who are tired of the color-redacted constantly trying our collective patience, her employer at Bevy got wind of the incident and decided to let her go.
According to the Post, Bevy CEO Derek Anderson sent out a tweet in response to the video saying, his company “has zero tolerance for discriminatory behavior of any kind. Yesterday an employee engaged in behavior contrary to our values and has been terminated. We apologize deeply to all involved.”
.@BevyHQ has zero tolerance for discriminatory behavior of any kind. Yesterday an employee engaged in behavior contrary to our values and has been terminated. We apologize deeply to all involved.
— Derek Andersen (@DerekjAndersen) September 26, 2021
Anderson also tweeted that he hopes “some type of resolution can happen between the two parties beyond this and will help if I can.”
Joseph tweeted a video response to the news.
I’ve been told that @DerekjAndersen and @bevyhq have let go of Emma Sarley, as her racism against me and fiancé doesn’t align with their values. I hope this is a lesson in accountability and consequences for Emma and others. pic.twitter.com/vgHgmL0dCa
— Frederick Joseph (@FredTJoseph) September 26, 2021
Hopefully, Sit-Sit-Sit Suzie does finally learn to leave Black people alone and that dog-whistling in the dog park isn’t always going to work out for her the way she thinks.
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