23 Jun Yiiikes: Ace Hood’s Baby Mama Blasts Him Over Alleged $144K PPP Loan, Says He Owes $95K In Child Support

Source: Johnny Louis / Getty
The mother of rapper Ace Hood’s two children is furious with him. The frustrated mom exposed him on live recently and wants an answer to why he allegedly received a $144,000 PPP loan from the government despite allegedly having no actual employees.
Earlier this week, Ace Hood and the mother of his children, Shanice, called each other out on Father’s Day. Ace alleged that Shanice wouldn’t allow him to spend time with their kids over money issues. In the clip shared by TheShadeRoom, Ace claimed that he didn’t have his kids on fathers day because Shanice believes he’s not a good father and “never there for the children.” To sum up her angst, Ace thinks it’s because she’s jealous and alleged he does in fact pay her child support.
“It’s because she sees me furthering myself, in my life, in my career, doing some other things. Yes, she gets paid child support. Yes, There we have court order agreement, and none of that matters to her,” said the rapper.
“You know she would rather destroy the relationship that I have with my children, to prove herself right, to prove her story right and that’s really saddening to me and I think that this message overall is for all the fathers who feel unappreciated in their dynamic.”
Shanice saw Ace’s video and went on IG live to respond to him.
She claimed that the rapper owes her over $95,000 in child support in her rebuttal. She then alleged that Ace Hood received a $144,000 Paycheck Protection Program loan during the pandemic, despite allegedly having nobody employed on his team. She also said he was acting out in part because he’s hoping to join the cast of Love & Hip Hop Miami.
“That man owe me $95,000 and he out here talking about it’s about money?
[…] We reported it so now he has to pay me what he owes me and he’s mad. I let you go two years without doing anything so what are you talking about? Make it make sense. And y’all can look up the PPP loan. Y’all know it’s public records. Ace Hood Touring. Go look it up, he got $144K. I’m trying to figure out how he got that much when he don’t got no employees.”
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