25 May Akon Falls Victim to Car Theft at Atlanta Gas Station
A car thief stole Akon’s car while at an Atlanta gas station.
The 48-year-old artist and philanthropist stopped at the QuikTrip in ATL’s Buckhead neighborhood shortly after midnight on Tuesday to fill his tank. While Akon was pumping gas, the suspect jumped into the driver seat of his Range Rover and drove off.
“It only takes a second for someone to jump in your vehicle and take off,” said Atlanta PD Captain.
Car theft has become even more common recently in Atlanta. Back in January, Ludacris’ car was stolen shortly after he hopped out to make a transaction at the ATM. The thief did not get far and the car was back in Luda’s possession.
According to Fox 5 Atlanta, Akon’s vehicle was stolen just a day after ATL City Council members proposed legislation for cameras at each pump at gas stations. While most gas stations already have the camera system in place, the legislation emphasizes the effort.
Atlanta police are currently looking for the suspect.
The post Akon Falls Victim to Car Theft at Atlanta Gas Station appeared first on The Source.
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