22 Feb Mariachi Band Trolls Ted Cruz By Playing Outside Texas Home Following Cancun Fiasco
Ted Cruz has not been let off the hook nor has he flown under the radar since his whole Cancun incident. Last week, he essentially abandoned his home state of Texas during one of the greatest weather disasters the state had ever witness, to jet off for a vacation in Cancun, Mexico with his family. He was harassed into returning to Texas after only one night, and this past weekend he spent time helping Texans by handing out water, although the effort ended up backfiring on him.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
People clearly don’t yet think Cruz should be forgiven. On Sunday, while some were already protesting outside of Cruz’s Texas home, someone sent a mariachi band to perform in front of Cruz’s house. Mariachi is a regional Mexican musical genre, so the band was clearly sent there to poke fun at Cruz’s actions in Cancun. Reportedly, Cruz was home alone in Houston following his return from Cancun. The music was so loud that other neighbors came out to watch, according to some Twitter users.
Civilians continued protesting outside of Cruz’s house alongside the band, holding up signs that said things like “Cruz’s lies cost lives.” Ted Cruz has since called his Cancun vacation a “mistake,” saying he was trying to look out for his children. “[It was not my intention] in saying yes to my daughters to somehow diminish all the Texans that were going through real hardship.”
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