Polo G Explains Why It’s Risky To Take Fan Feedback

Many have predicted that this year will bring new milestones and achievements for Polo G, the rising rapper that already declared himself The GOAT. And while there’s certainly a lot of ground left to cover before he can confidently reach that position, Polo G has already put in some serious work; one need only observe the growing collection of gold and platinum plaques currently lining the wall of the home he just purchased. And though all things seem to be looking up for young Polo, that hasn’t stopped his fanbase from offering up feedback on his music.

 Barry Brecheisen/WireImage/Getty Images

“One thing I learned as a artist u gotta limit the amount of feed back u take in from fans,” writes Polo, speaking on his Twitter page. “Cuz u drive yourself crazy tryna please them just do you. They ah say yo music sound the same u switch yo flow & they gone ask you to go back to how you used to rap Most of the super critics don’t even b true fans cuz yo chore fan base gone feel you how ever you come.”

It’s unclear what prompted Polo to voice such thoughts — perhaps he’s been simply growing weary of the endless interactions presented on social media, or the microscope under which music tends to get placed on the critical side of things. Either way, it’s refreshing to see him recognizing the importance of retaining artistic individuality, especially in an era where trends are followed at a rapid rate. With a sound mind and a clear sense of vision, perhaps Polo G really can achieve the greatness he previously prophecized, provided he keeps his perspective. Look for a new album from Polo G later this year — will you be tuning in?

Mitch Findlay
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