06 Jan Dr. Dre’s Home Almost Burglarized While He Was In The ICU

Source: Bernard Smalls / @PhotosByBeanz
Last night (Jan. 6), the Hip-Hop world got their first scare of 2021 when it was reported that Dr. Dre had suffered a brain aneurysm and was laid up in the ICU of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in LA.
While most of us were praying he’d pull through and be ok (he is!), would-be burglars saw an opportunity and made a beeline to Dr. Dre’s home in hopes of making off with whatever they could carry. Unfortunately what they found were some iron bracelets as TMZ is reporting that law enforcement arrested the group of men who set off to house things from Dr. Dre’s home.
Our sources say 4 men were on Dre’s Pacific Palisades property Wednesday around 2 AM. Security spotted them as they were casing the house. Before they could get to the main structure, security confronted them and quickly called police. The men fled, but cops arrived almost immediately and chased the 4 would-be burglars, catching and arresting them.
Police believe the men heard the news about Dre’s condition at Cedars and decided “Yup!”
This shouldn’t be too surprising as just a few years ago thieves were constantly burglarizing the homes of celebrities out on the West Coast as if security didn’t even exist. While this bares some similarities to juxes of past, no word on whether or not these men have any connection to the aforementioned crime wave.
On the brighter side Dr. Dre has put out a statement saying he’s doing better and for that we’re glad.
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