Chicago Public School Teachers Concerned With Start Day for Classes

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Chicago Public school students will soon be returning to classes soon and teachers are not in full support of the idea. Totally understandable as Covid rates continue to increase in most major cities. 

Sunday, the Chicago Teachers Union said that many of its members who are expected back to school Monday will defy Chicago Public Schools plans and only teach remotely. This comes as a majority of Chicago aldermen said in a letter to the mayor they are “deeply concerned” with the city’s reopening plans.

A months-long campaign by the CTU for a safe reopening further complicates the plans of Mayor Lori Lightfoot and school chief Janice Jackson to start bringing back thousands of teachers and students. The biggest question is simply, is it safe enough? 

Thirty-three Chicago aldermen wrote a letter to Lightfoot and Jackson to say they are “deeply concerned” with CPS’s scheduled reopening this month, emotionally expressing doubt in the racial equity and health and safety aspects of the city’s plan. Seemingly putting the same disenfranchised communities on a hit first and worst basis. 

The plan laid out nine steps the city should take as it looks to reopen classrooms and urged the mayor and school district to collaborate with the teachers union over its concerns. A plan that seems reasonable if safety is really the main concern. 

In a move of non-support, Jackson told the Chicago Sun-Times last month that teachers who “don’t show up” to work could be fired. Appalling to say the least. 

The post Chicago Public School Teachers Concerned With Start Day for Classes appeared first on The Source.

Jordan Eversley
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