04 Jan Defense Attorney’s For Gregory And Travis McMichael Don’t Want Ahmuad Arbery Referred To As “Victim”
Ahmaud Arbery was hunted and gunned down in the streets of Brunswick, Georgia by three white men while he taking a jog in his neighborhood. He was not carrying any weapons. He did not initiate an attack against these men. He is a victim of their murderous bloodlust for Black skin.
According to a CNN article, the lawyer for the men who killed Ahmaud, Gregory and Travis McMichael, has filed a motion asking that Arbery not be referred to as a “victim” during the murder trial. Sounds like some bulls#!t if you ask us.
“Due process requires minimal injection of error or prejudice into these proceedings. Use of terms such as ‘victim’ allows the focus to shift to the accused rather than remain on the proof of every element of the crimes charged,” the attorneys wrote in a motion filed December 30.
Essentially, the McMichaels’ lawyers believe it “unfair” to the alabaster accomplices for Ahmaud to be described in such an accurate and unabated fashion. You know what else is unfair? Being murdered in the streets just for being Black and minding your muthaf***in’ business. That’s VERY unfair.
In another motion, these slimy counselors ask that only one photo of Ahmaud standing alone is used during the trial and that he be identified in said photo by a non-relative witness. These s#!t bags are working overtime to ensure that there is no emotion injected into this hearing and it is beyond absurd. The entire country watch Ahmaud be shot multiple times by these soup cookies and no amount of jurisprudent shenanigans will change that.
We hope. They burn. In Hell. Word to Samuel L. Jackson.
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