03 Jan Eminem Says Pete Davidson’s “Stan” Parody On “SNL” Was “Actually Really Good”
Eminem says he watched Pete Davidson’s “Stan” parody on Saturday Night Live and that the performance was “actually really good.”

Presley Ann / Getty Images
During the skit, Davidson plays a crazed Santa Claus fan named Stu. Eminem told Apple Music’s Zane Lowe that he was initially unsure how the skit would play out when he was sent the lyrics:
I remember they sent me the lyrics to it and I was reading them on paper and I was like, ‘Oh, I don’t know if this is going to be that good.’ And then the weight, when he said it, I was like, ‘Holy sh-t.’ He said it so good that he sold every single thing. You can’t… First of all, everybody’s raps look terrible on paper, right? Because you don’t necessarily know unless you’re a rapper yourself. You don’t necessarily know where… Even if you are, you don’t know where they’re going to hit the beat at, what pocket they’re going to choose. Yeah. And he was in a ill pocket. He was like, he was kind of going and he’d go a little faster and then he kind of slowed down so you could catch what he just said the first time you hear it. Yeah. His delivery was for sure really on point because it was not what I expected when I saw it. I was like, ‘Man, this is actually really good.’ The whole thing was great.
The skit was met mostly with praise from fans online. Check out the clip here.
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