03 Jan Agallah Don Bishop Enters “2021” With Gritty New York Vibes
Hip-hop is alive and well in 2021. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Agallah Don Bishop has made it his mission to preserve the essence of the genre in whatever way possible. And to kick off the new year, he came through with a brand new project, aptly titled, 2021 which he described as “the first real hip hop project of 2021.” The rapper’s latest project is eight songs in length with a sole guest appearance coming from Special Ed. Agallah offers a body of work for the hip-hop heads, bringing gritty NYC vibes to the fold as he flexes his own lyrical prowess over the course of eight songs.
Check out the latest project from Agallah Don Bishop below and sound off in the comments with your favorite song on the project.
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