31 Dec Say What?! Dr. Drew Reveals He Contracted COVID-19 After Downplaying The Virus All Year
After being on the news downplaying the virus for months, Dr. Drew tested positive for COVID-19 and went on to admit that he should have taken it more seriously.

Source: (Photo by Jason Mendez/Getty Images) / (Photo by Jason Mendez/Getty Images)
When COVID-19 made its star-studded debut in the United States, people downplayed the seriousness of the virus in true American fashion. One of the people who accepted air time and probably financial compensation to be on TV, risking their reputation to downplay the pandemic, was Dr. Drew. This was disappointing to everyone who knew how serious the virus is, because Dr. Drew is usually an advocate for common sense and staying safe–even if the risk isn’t that serious.
Lo and behold, Dr. Drew just announced that he tested positive and wants to retract his previous statements about the coronavirus. Along with retracting, he also seemed rather thankful he had COVID-19 instead of another illness.
“wishing for a Covid positive test because I had this terrible acute febrile illness, and was testing negative. And if I didn’t have Covid, [then] I had acute lymphocytic leukemia, which I did not want to have… And so Covid would explain the whole thing nicely and we have so many good treatments now for Covid, I was hoping for that. And I look forward to the immunity on the other side of this.”
It’s sad it took almost a year for a respected medical professional to realize how serious the virus is. Hopefully, he empowers others to change course and take it seriously as well.
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