31 Dec Diddy Throws Another Maskless Celebration Amidst COVID-19
As much as it feels like we’re all dealing with COVID-19 the same, certain things can remind you that we’re not. Some of us are quarantined in close-quarters with loved ones, while others are traveling across the world, and throwing birthday parties that we have to watch from home.
Recently, Diddy seemed to be doing it all. Of course, the pandemic must have hit him too, but by the looks of his celebrations, and the gifts he’s been giving, he seems to be doing just fine.
Following a busy week celebrating the birthday of his daughters and his mother, Diddy threw what might be his final bash of 2021, for his son Justin Combs.
Justin’s birthday celebrations offered similar vibes to Diddy’s previous parties: a lot of people, a lot of fun, and some incredible gifts. Diddy has been active since touching down in Miami and has used the opportunity to give back to those who need it. In typical Diddy fashion though, working hard means playing hard.
Photos and videos of Justin’s birthday party seem to follow the trend of mask-free parties hosted by Diddy. It’s totally possible that Diddy and his team have been taking all the necessary precautions to keep everyone safe, without the need for masks, but based on the cancelation of his NYE party, we can’t be sure that he does this all the time.
Either way, we hope Diddy and his family have had fun and stayed safe. Hopefully, the rest of us can join in on the fun soon.
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