CJ Bandzz – Dear God [Unsigned Artist]

CJ Bandzz Socials

Instagram: ydg.bvndzz

Link: https://instagram.com/ydg.bvndzz igshid=1mazbfj3w69t9

Facebook: CJ Bandzz

New Album Link (No Boundaries) :


YouTube: CJ Bandzz

Link: https://youtube.com/channel/UCNeOtESQ3v3sI56xziOglIg

YDG DRE Socials

Instagram: @ydg.dre

Link: https://instagram.com/ydg.dre igshid=1dloe8o40xmep

Cj Bandzz- “ Capture The Real “

“I want this song to speak for the ones stuck in the trenches . Who need an outlet who don’t know how to speak out .

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