21 Dec HHH Community Playlist #5: Holiday Music // Nomination & Voting Thread
This is the nomination and voting thread for the Holiday Music community playlist, comment with an artist and song title to make a nomination and upvote comments with song titles to vote. Please make sure the song you nominate hasn’t been posted already, and report any duplicate posts so they can be removed. Duplicate posts will result in songs receiving fewer upvotes than they deserve.
You can nominate multiple songs, but each song must be posted as a separate comment. Comments containing more than one song or breaking the following rules will be removed.
- One song per comment
- Songs must be holiday themed
- Songs must be Hip-Hop/R&B/Future Beats
- Songs must be available on streaming services
This will be a 50 song playlist with a maximum of 3 songs per artist unless the results of voting deem that adjustments should be made. Voting will go on for approximately 24 hours and the playlist & discussion thread will be posted in approx. 48 hours.
submitted by /u/HHHRobot
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