Season’s Greetings From All-4-One’s Jamie Jones

Let’s hop right into this latest single, “All I Want” — Tell me about this particular track? How did it actually come to fruition?

My new single “All I Want” was a collaboration between my production partner, Matt Wong, myself and my wife / manager, Hanna. Matt came to me with the idea started and I was really digging it, so I showed it to Hanna, who also loved it, and she and I finished the idea out with Matt.

Of course “All I Want” comes courtesy of your recently unleashed (was a b-day present to yourself, correct?) Holiday EP, Christmas At Home With Jamie Jones — Talk to me a little bit about this new solo project…

I put this EP together pretty quickly. I originally was working on a Christmas project for my best friend, Wayne Brady, and his TV taping schedule got really busy, so he and I decided to concentrate on his new R&B project that we’re working on. I spoke to him about me using the Christmas music we had started, and he was like, “Go for it!” So I went into hyper-drive, and started going in on Christmas At Home… I chose songs that I’ve always wanted to do, as well as a couple of originals. I also called the project Christmas At Home… because we’re all stuck at home these days, and I wanted to hopefully bring some joy and an escape to anyone who needs it.

For those not in the know, tell me your whole inception into music – When did you first become interested in it? And, how did it all begin for Jamie Jones?

I’ve been singing since I was 3 years old in church. I started competing in talent shows at age 5, and I started singing everywhere I could…and because of that, when a producer came to town and was looking for a male R&B band, everyone told him to look for me. He came to one of my choir rehearsals at church and gave me a cassette with the song “So Much In Love,” and told me If I could put a group together he could set up an audition for a record deal. I called my friends; Tony, Alfred and Delious, and that was the beginning of All-4-One. We auditioned for a label, and they signed us on the spot. The rest is as they say, “history.”

Now you’re a Los Angeles, CA, native, correct? So growing up in the ‘City of Angels,’ who all did / do you consider to be your strongest musical influences?

Yes, Sir! I am a Los Angeles native, but my biggest influences have always been – in no particular order – Prince, Stevie Wonder, Donny Hathaway and Michael Jackson.

With that being said, how do you classify your overall sound and / or style?

I am a mixture of everyone I admire, blended with my own style. This includes folks you’ve heard of, and folks I grew up with that you haven’t heard of.

What particular string of events then led to your initial linking up with Delious Kennedy, Alfred Nevarez and Tony Borowiak, ultimately forming All-4-One?

Well, I met Tony and Alfred in a local talent show and we became friends. The 3 of us did some local radio station ID’s together. Tony and I met Delious at a karaoke contest trying to win some money. After I met that producer in church, I called each of them and the 4 of us went to Six Flags Magic Mountain and rehearsed “So Much In Love” the whole day everywhere in that park!

The last time the masses heard from you all was back in July 2015 with the release of Twenty+, All-4-One’s seventh studio collection — That said, what all had / have you all been up to, both personally and professionally speaking, within the past five-plus years?

We’ve been touring a whole lot since then. We have been a part of the “I Love The ‘90’s” tour since 2015 touring everywhere, as well as doing our own shows around the world.

It is my understanding though that you are currently, albeit simultaneously, working on some new solo music, as well as another group endeavor — What all exactly can you reveal and / or divulge about upcoming said efforts? [Any specific details; i.e. titles, favorite selection(s), producer(s) credit(s), cameo appearance(s), etc.?]

Yes, we are! I am working on a solo R&B EP. Delious is working on a solo EP, and I’m putting the finishing touches on a new All-4-One EP. All due in 2021; God willing! I’m also working – songwriting / producing or both – on my buddy, Wayne Brady’s new EP due in 2021, as well as working on projects for Disney, Netflix and a whole lot of other K-Pop, indie…and projects you’ll hear about soon.

How have you all either changed and / or evolved since your whole inception into music?

I think as an artist and as a person, your views and artistry changes and grows as you grow older. I looked at the world much differently when I was 18, 28, 38 and even now. A lot of the things you talk / sing about depend on where you are at that point in your life.

In having said that, when you sit down to pen your lyrics where do you draw your inspiration from?

Since I’ve been writing for such a long time, I draw inspiration from lots of different places; a lot is from current events. Some are from earlier parts of my life that I never wrote about…sometimes from watching a movie.

Switching gears here, what exactly do you want people to get from your music?

I just pray that my music helps people in some kind of way. Music is such a powerful tool, and it’s important that we all use whatever talents we have to help others.

If you could collaborate with any one artist, living or dead, who would it be and why?

Any of my heroes I listed above. I have worked with Stevie Wonder and he is a friend, but we haven’t worked on something specifically for me. Which I’d love to do!

If you could play any venue in the world, which one would you choose and why?

We haven’t played the Hollywood Bowl yet, and I really love that venue.

In terms of longevity, what do you feel it is that will continue to sustain you in this grueling industry?

I make music because it’s my passion! Not just for money. I truly believe that if you do anything in life because you are passionate about it, that money will be a side effect of your passion. When you do things for money first / only, you may get what you’re after but it usually doesn’t last.

Do you have any other outside / additional (future) aspirations, maybe even completely away from entertainment?

I am working on a app that will be released really soon that I’m really excited about…you’ll hear more about it soon.

To date, what has been your biggest career moment(s), at least thus far anyway?

I think just traveling the world doing concerts and connecting with an audience who appreciates our music, which means so much to them for various reasons, is the most rewarding thing. It’s been such a blessing to see different places around the world, and to see how our music has touched people who don’t even speak the same language we sing in. Of course it’s been a privilege to win a Grammy, American Music Award, and to still see our single, “I Swear,” on the Billboard Top 100 charts 2 decades later.

Speaking of that, “I Swear” and even “I Can Love You Like That,” are bonafIde classics — How did these songs actually come about? Who came up with the concepts? And, please describe for me the overall studio vibe on those fateful days?

“I Swear” was actually a country song first. Doug Morris, who was the president of Atlantic Records at the time, called us into his office in L.A. and played us the country version of “I Swear.” He said he wanted us to record it with David Foster, who had produced “I Will Always Love You “ for Whitney, and would do for us what he did for her. Doug was right! We also found out that Doug offered the song to Gerald Levert, and he said, “no!”

…“I Can Love You Like That” was presented to us as a demo, and we loved it! We recorded it, and while at the Grammy Awards we were rehearsing with John Michael Montgomery – who recorded the country version of “I Swear” – and he told us he was gonna record his new song called “I Can Love You Like That” when he got home. We were like, “WHAT?!” Turns out we had both picked the song for our next projects, but we had already recorded it first.

Looking ahead, say five or maybe even ten years from now, where do you see yourself?

God willing, still touring, recording and enjoying life!

As for the immediate, what’s next for you, Jamie?

Just finishing all of the projects I’m working on.

Is there anything I left out or just plain forgot to mention?

No, you were really thorough.

Any “parting” words for our readers?

Just thank you all for the support throughout the years if you listen to us. And God bless and keep you all. Have a happy holiday and please stay safe! Also you can find me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter at: @heyjamiejones.

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