People Test POSITIVE For Covid After Gucci Mane’s ‘Mask Off’ Concert! (Video)

Two people claiming to have attended a December 14th Gucci Mane concert in Houston, Texas say they now have the coronavirus, MTO News has learned.

It’s not clear whether the two people contracted the disease at the event, or whether they had it prior to the concert, possibly infecting others.


Gucci Mane in pool (; 0:31)

Last Sunday, Atlanta-based rapper Gucci Mane performed in front of a tightly-packed, standing-room-only crowd at the popular Houston club called “The Address.” The concert drew an almost mask-less crowd, prompting backlash on the Internet.

A brief look at video from the concert suggests not a single mask-wearing person was in attendance, despite the fact that Texas is considered a red zone meaning it has more than 100 new covid-19 cases per 100,000 people.

Yesterday on Twitter, two people claiming to have been at the event claim to have contracted the COVID-19 virus. If true, that could make Gucci Mane’s concert a potential super-spreading event.

Lyndon Abioye
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