17 Dec MAGA Moron: Ex-Houston Police Captain Charged With Pointing Gun At A/C Repairman Falsely Claiming He Was “Voter Fraud Mastermind”
Donald Trump voters are hands-down the dumbest people to ever be allowed to vote.
MAGAs are buying the bill of goods that 55% of white women’s president is selling them. Trump’s baseless claims of voter fraud and election tampering are leading people to do dangerous and stupid things. Take, for example, 63-year-old Mark Anthony Aguirre, a former Houston, Texas police captain. According to CNN, Aguirre was paid upwards of $250,000 by a private group of bootlickin’ citizens to investigate the unfounded rumors of voter fraud.
Back in October, the 16th to be exact, Aguirre asked the Texas Attorney General’s Office to help him with a traffic stop that he believed would unlock the “mystery” of how Texas turned blue. The TAG rejected this asinine request and Aguirre, being an arrogant white man, took it upon himself to make a citizen’s arrest. A few days later, Aguirre rammed his SUV into the back of the man’s truck, pointed a gun at him, and forced him to the ground until the police came. Upon their arrival, here’s what this nutjob told the cops…
Aguirre told authorities he had conducted surveillance on the man for four days, according to the district attorney’s news release. Aguirre said he suspected there were 750,000 fraudulent ballots inside the truck and that the man was “the mastermind of a giant (voter) fraud,” the release states.
Aguirre was arrested Tuesday and is charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, a second-degree felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison, prosecutors said. He posted $30,000 bond on Tuesday afternoon and is out of jail, according to Harris County court records.
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