Five Staffers Reportedly Quit After Tom Cruise Goes One Second Rant On Mission Impossible Set

Tom Cruise’s epic set rant results in multiple staffers deciding to quit the production.

Tom Cruise mission impossible

Source: Samantha Zucchi/Insidefoto/Mondadori / Samantha Zucchi/Insidefoto/Mondadori

This week Tom Cruise went on an epic COVID-19 protocol rant on set while filming the latest installment of the Mission Impossible franchise. During the rant he yelled and cussed and swore the fate of Hollywood was on his shoulders and if the production was shut down Hollywood would never recover. All this stemed from him seeing two staffers being within 6 feet of each other. According to TMZ, this outburst has resulting in backlash in the form of people quitting.

Tom’s raging tirade seems to have sparked an exodus among ticked-off crew members. The Sun, which got the ranting audio, says at least 5 staffers have quit after Tom’s outburst. Apparently, things haven’t cooled off around set since the epic rant heard round the world. The Sun says Tom had another meltdown Tuesday after audio of his first eruption leaked.

Tom seems to be feeling pressure to get the movie done during the pandemic, his rant indicated as much, but ya gotta imagine the men and women working behind the scenes are also stressed … and some of ’em ain’t happy under Tom’s thumb.

Nothing calms an upset staff down like another rant yelling at them. Hopefully someone can pull Tom aside and let him know his yelling and rants aren’t helping anyone.

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