Donald Trump Threatening To Remain In Office, Throwing “Temper Tantrums”: Report

 President Donald Trump is reportedly threatening to refuse to leave office on inauguration day, after the Electoral College made Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 Presidential Election official, earlier this week. 

Donald Trump, Tantrum, ElectionAl Drago / Getty Images

“He’s throwing a fucking temper tantrum,” one advisor told CNN. “He’s going to leave. He’s just lashing out.”

Advisors tell CNN he initially was threatening to not vacate the White House on Inauguration Day but had been talked down.

“It’s turned crazy,” one person familiar with the efforts added, regarding the President’s attempt to remain in office. “There’s a lot of activity.”

Trump has consistently claimed that Biden’s victory in the election was the result of voter fraud and not official; however, he’s also gone on record saying that he will forfeit the presidency to Biden if the Electoral College certifies the results, which it now has.

“Certainly I will. You know that I will,” Trump said, last month when asked if he would leave office after the electoral college vote.

“It’s going to be a very hard thing to concede,” he added.

Former President Barack Obama has said that he’s confident Trump will leave the office to make way for Biden’s presidency: “Oh, he’s gonna leave the White House,” Obama told Speedy Morman, earlier this month. “He may not like leaving. He may not be a gracious loser. But he lost. And he will leave. And Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will end up being President and Vice President of the United States and that will make a difference.”


Cole Blake
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