Bodycam Shows Jacksonville, FL Cops Lying After Leaving A Woman With Broken Teeth… All Because Officer Trespassed Her Property! ("Checking Emails")

This footage was sent to our inbox. Here’s how the viewer describes what allegedly went down,
“Recent body cam footage reveals a gang of Jacksonville, FL police officers trespassing on Brittany’s property. They enter her home without a warrant and brutally attack her. The officers are shown bashing her head into the wooden floor of her house and handcuffing her forearms together. One officer kneels on her neck while the other tries to dislocate her shoulder. Brittany was left with broken teeth and a neurological disorder dubbed ‘the suicide disease’.

Donate to this cause to help Brittany pay for recurring Legal/Medical Fees. Your support will help her find justice and help her recover at a faster rate.

If you would like to support, please sign the petition/donate below.

Posted by Thrillz
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