14 Dec Who’s Twerk Is It?? Dancer Calls Out Megan Thee Stallion For “Stealing” Sturdy Knee Twerk Move
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Megan Thee Stallion got called out today by a twerk instructor who thinks the rapper may have been swiping her “signature” dance move.
In one of Meg’s most recent (delicious) twerk videos, she shows off just how sturdy her knees and hips are, showing off an effortless twerk and scoop move to her song “Cry Baby”, featuring Da Baby. The video blew up on social media, with folks, including City Girls rapper Yung Miami, trying to emulate the dance move.
The issue is, one twerk teacher and her supporters think the dance was copied…press play, then scroll down to see!
A dance by the name of Soilaira called Meg out in an instagram post, show a video of where she thinks the rapper got her inspiration. Soilair added that she knows Meg checks out her page often, so could she be telling the truth here?
Y’all know my signature twerktabata move is “The Scoop.” Somebody said “this is where [Meg] got this from.” I’m not saying whether she did or not but I know sis has came across my page SEVERAL times especially since I use a lot of her music. IJS.
Interesting allegations! Are these dances similar to you are all?
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