08 Dec COVID Crazy: Ohio Nightclub Fined For Hosting Trey Songz Show With No Social Distancing
Die hard Trey Songz fans looked contamination in the face and didn’t blink once. He recently performed a live set in the Midwest and faced a mask less crowd.
As spotted on NBC News the Petersburg, Virginia native took the stage at Club Aftermath on Saturday, December 5. While Covid-19 continues to spike throughout the country this performance threw care to the wind as the staff clearly did not enforce any social distancing policies. Photos from the event show hundreds of patrons standing very closely together. To add yet another jarring layer to the scene PPE was not enforced even with close to 500 people in the house.
This high profile event landed on the Ohio Investigative Unit’s radar and naturally they spot checked the show. The agents stated they witnessed “egregious violations of health orders” thus they put their pens to work when it came to writing fines. “Basically, it was just a concert environment,” Ohio Investigative Unit enforcement commander Eric Wolf told NBC News affiliate WCMH. “If you had taken that event and put it in 2019, it would have been pretty much the same concert, same event that was taking place last night.” Wolf made it clear while this is not the first venue to show a blatant disregard to the guidelines Aftermath Columbus was doing the most. “As far as the size of the crowd, the complete disregard for department of health orders, yes this is the extreme side”.
Aftermath Columbus was hit with multiple fines and is in danger of losing their liquor operating license. As of this week Ohio has seen reported 484,000 cases and more than 7,000 deaths from Covid-19. You can see footage from the event below.
Photo: Bernard Smalls
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