Cardi B Responds To Backlash Over Her Tone-Deaf Tweets About Buying An $88K Purse During A Pandemic

Cardi B is once again facing backlash online, this time for her tweets asking her followers whether or not she should drop $88,000 on a purse during a pandemic.

2019 Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival - Day 4

Source: Tim Mosenfelder / Getty

It all started on Sunday, December 6, when the rapper tweeted out a question to her fans, writing, “Should I spend 88K for this damn purse ? Omggg it’s tempting.”

Who knows what kind of replies Belcalis thought she would get…or why she tweeted this to her followers rather than sending this one to the group chat–but regardless, us poor folk weren’t happy about it.

Initially, in response to the criticism she was met with, the rapper sent out a tweet offering to match donations to charities if people shared their receipts.

“I will match what you donated and match your donation to that same charity or foundation,” she tweeted. “Lets match energy.”

She also responded to some fans, directly, who told her to donate money to charity, since she has so much of it laying around. Her main argument, throughout this whole back-and-forth, seems to be asking all the people telling her to donate what they have donated, since they’re so concerned…even though they’re not the ones buying $88,000 purses.

She went on to respond to another fan, admitting that she’s scared to tweet at all, anymore, because people seem to find a problem with anything she has to say.

BRO ALL I DID WAS ASK ABOUT A F***IN PURSE !” she wrote. “Ooommggggg I’m getting scared to tweet bro.Im just going to tweet by bible quotes here.”

Later on, Cardi–very reluctantly–apologized for her initial tweet, pointing out that people never ask Donald Trump for an apologies when he messes up (we’re gonna have to get the fact checker working on that one).

“Ok guys I apologize. There you happy ?!” she wrote. “I don’t see ya askin trump for a apology when he out here missing COVID meetings to play golf but..”

In the end, it seems like Cardi rewarded herself for a hard day full of some Twitter back and forth with a brand new, $88,000 purse, tweeting, “Sooooooo……do ya want me to show ya the purse ?”

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