02 Dec Nashville Public Schools Employee Files Lawsuit After Being Demoted For Filing Lawsuit Over “Let’s Make A Slave” Assignment
If that sounds confusing, allow us to explain.
Why the hell don’t schools understand that there is only one way to teach children about slavery and it is NOT “making” slaves out of them? We’ve seen this same dumbass “lesson” being taught numerous times over the years and every new case is as infuriating as the previous.
According to The Tennessean, a former employee of the Metro Nashville Public Schools has filed two lawsuits against the organization for two incidents that rebuffed as “separate” but Ray Charles can see what’s REALLY going on here. The former employee who filed the suit is only acknowledged as Jane Doe to protect the identity of her son. Jane Doe claims she was demoted then fired after making a legal complaint about a homework assignment called “Let’s Make A Slave” that was given to her autistic fourth-grade son. The assignment was about an alleged speech that fabled slave master Willie Lynch gave back in the 1700s to other whites about how to control their slaves.
The assignment required students to read the speech, listen to the instructions contained in the speech and even pretend to be actual slaves by “folding themselves under their desks and pretending to seek freedom from slavery,” according to the lawsuit.
As a result, Jane’s son was harassed and attacked with racist epithets. She charges that both the teacher and school board knew about it and did nothing to address it. 70% of this school district is either Black or another minority ethnic group. Once fired, Jane filed another lawsuit last month for the backlash that she suffered as a result of defending her child.
Doe claims that on Sept. 15, she was offered a new position with higher pay and responsibility than the role of a classroom teacher but after the lawsuit was filed on behalf of her son on Nov. 3, the offer was rescinded. Doe claims her previous salary of $115,000 annually was cut 30%.
It’s a dirty game.
The controversy stems from back in February of this year, where surprisingly a Black student-teacher was dismissed after she prompted these 4th-grade students to recite disturbing lines from Lynch’s infamous speech.
Now imagine if your child’s teacher had them read this in class:
“I have a fool-proof method for controlling your Black slaves… that, if installed correctly, it will control the slaves for at least 300 years.”
Yeah..we don’t like it either.
The bozo in question had the audacity to administer the lesson not one, but two times! In a statement, the school’s district spokesman Sean Braisted said that the lesson was “not age appropriate or within the scope of sequence for the 4th-grade class.” Uh..ya think Sean?
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