01 Dec Woman angrily starts food fight in DC Chipotle, throwing pans and burrito bowls, ducking as employees threw pans back at her; Police are currently searching for woman [VIDEO]
By Bossyy
Hip-HopVibe.com Staff Writer
Maybe one could blame the holiday season adding pressure on people for the crazy things happening. However, crazy things happen all of the time. Then, in 2020, crazy things have been happening, multiple times in a day.
In Washington, DC, there was definitely a bizarre scene, which took place at a local Chipotle. If it was said that a fight broke out, that would be crazy, but understood. But, this DC Chipotle had an actual food fight break out, so merchandise was actually destroyed.
A woman is now wanted by the police, after she angrily entered a Washington, DC Chipotle. It’s unclear what motivated this, but the woman got mad and threw food at employees, across the counter. An actual food fight ensued, complete with the woman ducking when the employees threw a pan at her, after she threw a burrito bowl at them, and she is now wanted by the police.
Watch the entire video below:
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