01 Dec 65 Years Ago Today Rosa Parks Said, “Hell No I’m Not Gettin’ Up! Hell You Gon’ Do About It?!”
Sometimes you just gotta tell a muthaf***a, “no”.
On December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks’ simple and non-violent act of defiance created a ripple effect that she couldn’t even see coming. Today, December 1, 2020 marks 65 years to the day that continues to serve as inspiration for an array of marginalized people who are fighting for justice and equality.
ABCNews posted a video of an interview that Ms. Parks gave to journalist Deborah Roberts in 1995 and we thought it more than appropriate to share with you now as her words ring as true then as they do now.
ON THIS DAY: 65 years ago, Rosa Parks, a Black seamstress, was arrested after refusing to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Alabama, city bus.
In 1995, she spoke to @DebRobertsABC and reflected on not giving up her bus seat. https://t.co/lQtKw71dO4 pic.twitter.com/VimCfLxGED
— ABC News (@ABC) December 1, 2020
God bless this woman. Her bravery and steely resolve are the stuff that we see in a great many of the young people who take to the streets to say “no” every time our community endures another tragedy or injustice. We can never say enough “thank yous” but we should all be endlessly grateful to the thousands if not millions of women who have stood tall and said “no” to any person or entity attempting to make them small.
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