28 Nov NEW TREND: Woman Inject Chicken Stock To Get Bigger BUTT!! (Video)
The pressure to be beautiful is real! There’s now a growing and dangerous trend among women around the world looking to have a big round booty – and using chicken stock to do it.

MTO News has learned that this trend which began in Africa, has spread over to the Caribbean, and now even some women in the Southern United States are using this “butt augmentation hack” to get a bigger butt on the cheap.
The new “hack” allows women to get bigger butts without surgery, and without any scarring on the butt cheeks from injections.
Here’s a video, showing a journalist explaining exactly how it’s done.
The process is very simple. The chicken bouillon cube is crushed and liquefied into a thick paste which is then poured into a syringe. The women successfully get the mixture into their body by anal insertion. It is believed that the stock causes the tissues in the lower body to swell up and provide a thick bubble to look better.
So does it work? According to the hundreds of social media posts showing before and after pics – the answer seems to be yes.
But doctors claim that the process can be VERY dangerous. Injecting foreign solutions via the anus can cause severe illness.
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