26 Nov Montrezl Harrell’s Previous Anti-Lakers IG DMs Leaked By Fan
Montrezl Harrell is one of the newest additions to the Los Angeles Lakers and while fans are excited about his signing, it’s clear that the move certainly contradicts some of the things Harrell has said over the last couple of seasons. Throughout this past season, Harrell was adamant that the Clippers were a better team than the Lakers although, in the end, it was the purple and gold that ended up going all the way to the NBA title.
In the offseason, Harrell made it clear to reporters that the Clippers actually didn’t want him back, while the Lakers made him feel wanted. The move makes sense for Harrell although according to this Lakers’ fan’s past DMs, Harrell hasn’t always been charitable to the Lakers. In the tweet below, Harrell can be seen belittling a man for thinking Harrell might join the Lake Show. He even goes so far as to say that the team won’t win a title anytime soon due to their past regular season failures.
This made for one of those classic Twitter moments as someone who held a very strong opinion on something, ultimately found themselves exposed for backtracking, in glorious fashion. Lakers fans don’t forget anything and neither does Twitter, so as you can imagine, NBA fans made sure to let their feelings on the DMs be heard.
Check out some of the reactions below, and let us know if you think Harrell is a good fit with the reigning champs.
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