26 Nov J.I.D. Celebrates 2 Years Of “DiCaprio 2”
J.I.D is easily one of the most exciting artists working right now. Not only is the Dreamville lyricist consistently putting forth compelling verses, but he also appears to understand the value of a full body of work. Though many fans are still eagerly awaiting his next album, rumored to be a collaboration project with producer No I.D, J.I.D took a moment to reflect on one of the major milestones of his career thus far — the release of his sophomore album DiCaprio 2, released two years ago to this day.
Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
“DiCaprio 2 Turns 2 today this project taught me a lot about myself, also gave me space to becoming the performer I’ve always wanted to be,” writes J.I.D, embracing the moment in a heartfelt Instagram post. “We toured 170+ dates in 2019 off of this and the Dreamville project..this next album cycle is very close, it’s also a holiday so I’m very thankful for this body of work and everyone who helped or came to a show, bought Merch, I fuckin love u #TFS incoming.”
A promising tidbit indeed, and a welcome reminder that J.I.D. hasn’t stopped planning his next endeavor. Though it’s likely COVID-19 will prove problematic in many ways, it does bode well that J.I.D. has been taking his time for this go-around, further validation that he understands the nuances of the process. And for anybody who has had the chance of catching him live, rest assured that his live-set is an integral part of the experience. Expect that to be no different upon the release of his third studio album — whenever the time for its arrival comes.
In the interim, be sure to revisit DiCaprio 2 with your assessment after two wild years. Do you feel the album has aged particularly well?
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