It’s that time of year again, and even if we say we aren’t going to bother with resolutions anymore, secretly we always do. So as long as we’re going to bother, let’s be practical and smart about it.
Here are some ideas that all moms can appreciate, because they are all about better communication and overall better quality of life in the home.
When you’re a mom, things can get pretty hectic, and pretty out of control. That can’t much be changed, but these resolutions will help minimize how often you might feel overwhelmed.
1. A little less Yelling: Sometimes, unfortunately, and despite our BEST efforts, we yell at our kids. Our kids then cry and/or yell back, and instead of feeling in control of the situation (which was our intent), we feel guilty. Less yelling is a great resolution because not only will it cut down on the yelling, but it will give us the opportunity to explore new ways to communicate effectively with our little ones.
2. A little ME time: This is one of those mommy-tips that almost always inevitably prompts eye-rolls across the board. And why wouldn’t it? Most moms feel that if they possibly could have more ME time, they would. But maybe we can. Never underestimate the power of being alone with your thoughts, hobbies, and favourite snacks. Make a resolution to spend an hour of kid-free time once they’re in bed, each week. Refuse to think about your to-do lists, just relax, however you can.
3. A little more “no”, or a little more “yes”: Are you afraid your turning into a yes mom? Are you afraid your turning into a no mom? Both are dreadful and equally painful to acknowledge. If you give in to your kids whims and requests far too often, 2021 is the time to embrace saying “no!” If you are always a little too busy or distracted to say yes, and your kids are becoming discouraged, than say yes to saying yes in 2021!
4. A little less iPhone: Electronics have been a main source of entertainment and escape for a very long time now, but it’s only in recent years that it’s become a fact for parents AND kids alike. Before there was TV and Nintendo keeping your kids from being creative and adventurous, but now we’ve all been sucked into our smart phones. Make a resolution for less screen time. Spend it on family time instead.
5. A little divide & conquer: If you have siblings to contend with, you know that kids can sometimes grow competitive and jealous. In the home, mom-time often becomes a cherished gift to fight over. But of course, we all know, moms have as much love to give and spread as they need (and then some). To ensure all your kids are feeling seen, heard, and special, make a resolution to spend quality time with them individually. That way, they even have something to look forward to each week.
6. A little pat on the back: As moms, we need to recognize how difficult our work is and appreciate that we are able to do it at all. So let’s make a resolution to stop being so hard on ourselves. For every time you have done something (or not done something) that you feel bad about, remind yourself of the million things you did perfectly that day. Smile, and breathe. We’re doing fine.
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