Wack 100 Hopes We Can Learn From His Racially Charged Brawl

Wack 100 has a long history of throwing and receiving punchesManager of the legend, The Game, and newcomer, Blueface, Wack has been active for a long time and doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Last weekend, when Wack was attacked in a parking lot, he fought off two men – leaving one of them battered

TMZ caught up with Wack 100 recently and asked him to reflect on the incident. In an oddly inspirational take, Wack reminded viewers that there will always be an opposition and that we have to “stay ready”.  

In the full quote, he says, “In America, you got good people, you got bad people on both sides of the track. I can only tell Americans, whatever kind of American you are, to stay ready and be prepared because you’ll never know what you’re gonna have to deal with. Good Americans we need to stand together, no matter your color, race, neighborhood, whatever it may be – because the opposition is out there”. 

At the end of the day, Wack feels in his heart that he did what was necessary to get back home to his kids and family. Check out the video below and let us know your thoughts on the situation.

We’re not sure if Tyson’s Legends Only League is looking for fighters, but Wack 100 might be a good fit. 


Bhaven Moorthy
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