[WATCH] Murder Suspect Escapes Prisoner Transport SUV At McDonald’s

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Looks like murder suspect Leon Taylor might just be home for X-Mas after his daring escape from a police transport van in Indiana.

Surveillance footage shows the 22-year-old Taylor’s daring escape from police custody when he fled from a private transport vehicle that had stopped to get take out from a McDonald’s in Indiana. The vehicle was being operated by an agent from REDI Transports, a private transportation company tasked with delivering Taylor to Crown Point from Gary to face murder and drug charges.

“After watching this video, I am highly disturbed and disappointed by the procedures the private transportation driver used during the transfer of this suspect to our jail,” said Lake County Sheriff Oscar Martinez Jr. 

“After acquiring these surveillance videos, Lake County Sheriff’s Department investigators were able to reveal conflicting statements made to our officers by the driver,” Martinez continued.  “This driver initially told our officers the suspect jumped out of a window, but the video clearly shows him exiting through a door to the vehicle.”

The post [WATCH] Murder Suspect Escapes Prisoner Transport SUV At McDonald’s appeared first on The Source.

Sha Be Allah
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