Gospel’s Mack Holland: “Are You Ready For Your Blessing”

After developing an interest in music, Mack Holland began his music journey as early as childhood. Singing in neighborhood groups in his hometown of Aiken, South Carolina, his time spent alongside others with shared musical interests deeply inspired him. Entering teenagehood, his love for creative pursuits grew, and he began exploring poetry writing. It wasn’t long before A&R representatives caught a whiff of Holland’s immense passion-fueled talent. He was brought to Nashville, Tennessee, with encouragement to start recording the poetry he had converted into well-written, meaningful songs. During his collaboration with Paramount Studios, Holland recorded five starting songs; “Your Love Is A Thrill” “Love Me Now,” “All In My Mind,” “I Once Had You,” and “I Ain’t Got No Money Honey.” His bible-belt southern roots planted a mustard seed of faith into Holland’s heart, which would soon grow into rich, God-trusting roots. Although raised in a Baptist church, he also attended catholic school for years, learning everything there was to know about faith and worship. These experiences helped shape his well-rounded ideas about religion. In 2017, his spirit was called to encounter a new beginning: the challenge of writing Gospel music. This task was something he hadn’t ever thought of trying, but it would soon alter his entire life and catapult him into spiritual enlightenment.

Holland’s studio representatives in Atlanta suggested that GRAMMY Award-winning producer Kevin Bond would be an immaculate fit for Holland’s potential Gospel music recordings. Upon meditating on the Lord, the lyrics came to him. “He Is,” discusses all the things that God is and the amazing blessings that his faith has done for him throughout his years as a songwriter. Holland’s original idea for the “He Is” music video was to incorporate the scenery of water. However, the outcome of his collaboration with the videographer was bigger than anything either of them could have imagined.

The music video features Holland strolling through a peaceful park, rich with greenery and life on a bright, cloudless day. Scriptless and natural, Holland is seen bathing in rays of sunlight, accepting peace and wisdom from God. Holland described the video shoot as a very special experience that was simply a blessing. “People were stopping their walks and watching us,” said Holland. “If you watch the video, you can see that it was meant to be. People were seeing us and just being inspired.” This song and video are so impactful that even after its ending, God’s gift follows Holland, and even his viewers, off-screen.

Now residing in Augusta, Georgia, Mack Holland’s worship of the Lord continues with a brand new music video and Gospel song “Are You Ready For Your Blessing.” With introductory scenery of cotton-like clouds, and overhead shots of wide oceans sparkling in the sun, complimented by a flock of seagulls fluttering over many precious waves, this video is nothing short of a spiritual earworm. Holland preaches to his audience with ease and confidence. As well as a praise dance. As he walks up a flight of stairs, ascending into heaven, the audience recognizes this tune as none other than a Gospel song with elements perfectly suited for group dance. The faith-filled lyrics are hopeful, inspiring, and perfect for anyone battling discouragement or crisis. You will find yourself humming chorus lines “Are you ready, ready for your blessing,” after just one listen to this tune.

Holland says that “Are You Ready For Your Blessing,” was given to him by God after the lyrics and melody came to him in a dream. Both repeating in his head, Holland grabbed his tape recorder and found God’s finger pointing at him. The message he received was that God had been by his side for a long time and he needed to write a powerful piece of music for those searching for faith. Holland’s wish for his audience is that everyone feels the presence of God through his music and videos. It is not so much about getting down on one’s knees in prayer once a night, but that no matter the day of the week, the world will start to walk in prayer together, that a journey with the Lord is only one footstep away. “Be sincere with God and he will be sincere with you,” says the Gospel singer. “Trust in him, treat everyone the way you want to be treated and God will acknowledge you. The key word is sincerity. You can’t fool God about anything.”

Mack Holland weighed in on the new project

What inspired you to first start making music? Did you always know you wanted to be a musician?

I always enjoyed songs on the radio and in school. Once being involved in choruses in school the thought was more believable and more desired.

How does your faith influence the messages in your music and guide you as an artist?

My faith is my main focus. It is my main objective in song. To share and inspire the word of God.

Talk to us about your writing process for “Are You Ready For Your Blessing” and “He Is.” Did you draw inspiration from specific experiences or memories?

In the “He Is” video I wanted to express the environment of our God. The air and trees for example. So I decided to take a walk in song. Freedom Park located in Charlotte, North Carolina was the perfect place. In “Are You Ready” which is an upbeat song I wanted to raise spirits by dancing along with teaching and praising The Lord. The visuals that me and my team delivered tell a story. Awesome.

Both “Are You Ready For Your Blessing” and “He Is” have an energetic, inspiring feel—how do the production elements help to amplify the vibe of these tracks? What distinctive elements did you incorporate into these songs to keep the energy up?

The energy is the promotion of The Lord. Comes naturally with sincerity. God shall script it all.

What visual elements in the “Are You Ready For Your Blessing” lyric video stand out to you? Why did you choose to accompany the song with these elements?

Visual elements help to tell your story and also inspire and entertain. Trees and beautiful surroundings express God in “He Is.”  Dancing and preaching in “Are You Ready” raises spirits. Stairs into the Heavens signifies being accepted by God. People worshiping shows the energy of worshippers.

Who could you have not done the “He Is” music video without? What was your collaboration process like?

Working with my producer Ron Bridges is phenomenal. We both have insight into imagery and so we really inspire each other.

What goals do you hope to achieve in your musical career next?

Use music to promote The Lord And He shall assist in your endeavors. That is my goal. To keep making inspirational music and videos for the world is my future goal. Also to promote my new song “My God Is Amazing.”

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The post Gospel’s Mack Holland: “Are You Ready For Your Blessing” appeared first on The Hype Magazine.


Dr. Jerry Doby
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