Summer Walker & London On Da Track Seemingly Back Together (Again)

If you’ve been trying to keep track of Summer Walker and London On Da Track’s relationship status, then there is a fairly decent chance that you’re just as lost on it as the rest of us. Between all of the breaking up, getting back together, breaking up again, and baby mama drama, no one has been able to keep up. But if you’re still trying, eagle-eyed fans think they have recently spotted the pair together in Walker’s recent Instagram story, leading us to believe that once again —  against all odds — the two have gotten back together.

Just to recap, last month, just a couple of weeks after revealing that she and London are expecting a child, Walker called London a “bum ass n*gga,” “a whole b*tch,” and declared the ability to “f*ck up” his life via her Instagram story. She also removed any sign of their relationship from her feed, including her pregnancy reveal.

After that, the pot was stirred. London’s baby mamas waged cyber-war on Walker, writing subliminal messages to her by way of their Instagram stories, and London chimed in, essentially stating that the drama between his baby mamas and baby-mama-to-be is beneath him, assuring fans he would no longer be entertaining it and instead, focusing on his children.

Anyway, while it’s not totally obvious, fans believe they spotted London’s red Ferrari parked in the background of one of Walker’s latest IG stories, meaning she either snuck into his garage or — the far more likely scenario — the two are spending time together. I’m gonna go with the latter.

Ellie Spina
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