Nicki Minaj Pays Tuition To Help College Student Graduate

It’s no secret that successful artists, like Nicki Minaj, often have more than enough cash to live comfortably — even lavishly — off of for their entire lives. So it’s always refreshing to hear when they donate some of that money, or inject it back into their community somehow. According to a recent graduate of The University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Artavion Cook, he has Nicki Minaj to thank for earning his B.S. of science and biology.

“I can’t believe that I’m actually saying this out loud, but I am an official college GRADUATE! Bachelor of Science in Biology. Chemistry and Psychology minor,” Cook wrote on Instagram on Minaj’s birthday earlier this week. “This day is even more special because @NICKIMINAJ paid my tuition a few semesters ago, and today is her birthday!”

This isn’t the first time that Nicki Minaj has helped students graduate college. Back in 2017, she pulled an Oprah and paid upward of $10K in tuition for a selected handful of her fans. “This makes me so happy. [A few from the other day] I’ll do another impromptu payment spree in a month or 2 but pls know that I’m launching my official charity for Student Loans/Tuition Payments VERY SOON! You’ll be able to officially sign up! I’ll keep you posted!,” she wrote on Instagram at the time.

Minaj joins the long list of celebrities who have paid the tuition of their fans out of pocket, including Lebron James, Lil Uzi Vert, Amber Rose, and many more.

Ellie Spina
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