Taraji P. Henson has added another accomplishment on her professional resume-author. The talented actress and entrepreneur has penned her first children’s book, “You Can Be a Good Friend (No Matter What!”
“Mental health struggles can start even in childhood and oftentimes it begins with being bullied. This book isn’t just about bullying though—it’s about how children all have something different about them, and being different is what makes them oh so very special,” Henson said in an exclusive statement to People.com about her book.
She added, “You Can Be a Good Friend (No Matter What!)” is for the kids who feel different. This book is for the parents who want their kids to accept differences. And this book is for the kids and families who’ve encountered hard times because of differences. I can’t wait to see the many conversations my book starts in homes and classrooms everywhere!”
Cover of Taraji P. Henson’s Book. AMAZON.COM
The Color Purple actress has been very vocal about her own personal mental health struggles. So much so, that she established her own foundation supporting mental health programming in under-served areas around the United States. The Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation‘s primary focus is to educate and obliterate the mental health stigma within in the Black community.
“We are so proud of this book and feel that it’s not just a fun story, but an essential tool for teaching empathy, resilience and self-love,” Megan Dobson, vice President and publisher of Zonderkidz, said in a press release. “Our hope is that this will become a conversation-starter about mental wellness, an important lesson in friendship and handling tough social situations and a testament to the importance of standing proud in one’s own uniqueness.”
Girl holding stop-bullying sign. PEXELS.COM
So, what can readers expect from Taraji’s upcoming project?
Well, according to a description within the press release about the project, “You Can Be a Good Friend (No Matter What!) opens with a young girl named Lil TJ getting ready for her first day of school and telling her Grandma Patsy about making new friends. ‘Don’t forget, friendships take time,’ Grandma reminds her, but Lil TJ throws herself into school with gusto and immediately attracts the bullying attention of a boy who makes fun of her for her loud voice, colorful drawings, and larger-than-life personality. TJ ultimately learns how to conquer her worries, overcome her bully, make new and unexpected friendships, and still be true to her own unique and wonderful self.”
According to studies by Yale University, victims of bullying are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims. Henson’s book seems to be exactly what the world needs to remind us all that there is no place for bullying in this world.
“You Can Be a Good Friend (No Matter What!)” is set to release on June 18, 2024.
Photo: Amazon.com; Taraji P. Henson Instagram; Pexels.com
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