Indian store owner beats a man with a stick, who was stealing cigarettes behind the counter [VIDEO]

Store owner uses a stick to beat up a man for stealing

Certain neighborhoods have to contend with certain activities. As a result, businesses in neighborhoods like this have to prepare themselves for certain things. Even with the best of protections, some things are unavoidable. As a result, there are times when the owners have to take matters into their own hands. In one store, the man who owned the place, literally took matters into his own hands. A man went behind the counter, stealing cigarettes. This led to the owner beating the man with a stick.

There are a little over 150,000 convenience stores in the United States. Around 80% of those stores sell gas, leaving the other 20% operating as neighborhood stores, only. Of those 150,000, plus, stores, around 60% of them are operator owned. As a result, when someone goes into a convenience store and they take something, typically the person behind the counter is the owner. So, to steal out of the store means that person is taking a personal loss.

One man came into a convenience store and he told the owner he was taking cigarettes. The man went behind the counter and began throwing cigarettes into a trash can, with a bag in it. As casual as the man was moving, he knew nothing was going to happen to him. Behind the man was the owner, who was trying to stop him. While one of the workers played interference, the owner came up on the guy with a stick, and began beating the man. He eventually got the man on the ground.


Store owner uses a stick to beat up a man for stealing

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