08 Oct Rich woman calls the police on a man for parking his car in front of her house [VIDEO]
Rich woman calls police on man for parking in front of her home
When living in certain neighborhoods, people watch vehicles a bit differently. After all, a person who goes to the trouble of living behind a gate isn’t doing so for a stranger to be in front of their house. Still, this doesn’t give a person the right to harass a person for simply being in front of their house. However, for one woman this was enough. The woman saw a car in front of her house, so she confronted the man driving it. He said he was waiting on a friend, but she said he was lying, and called the cops.
Wealthy neighborhoods, which are more commonly called “affluent neighborhoods,” are where the rich people tend to live. People of a certain status normally feel the need to move into more comfortable areas of town. Typically, they buy large homes, which can be considered mansions. In these neighborhoods, each house has a gate. Some of them come with security systems already built in with the house. As a result, the people living there are weary of outsiders riding around.
According to the man in the car, he was waiting for a friend. The man claimed his friend lived in one of the houses beside the house in the video. As the man was waiting in his car, he was confronted by a woman living in the house in the video. When she saw the man, she accused him of lying about having a friend in one of the houses. She asked the man why he was waiting in front of her house. After that, she got on her phone, claiming she called the police.
Rich woman calls police on man for parking in front of her home
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