10 Mar Ryan Coogler Responds To Being Detained By Atlanta Police After Being Mistaken For Bank Robber – ‘This Should Have Never Happened’
Ryan Coogler responds to the unfortunate chain of events that led up to him being handcuffed inside of an Atlanta Bank of America. The bank teller thought the Black Panther director was trying to rob the bank after he requested to withdraw $12,000 from his account, so she called the police on him.
Find out what happened, see video of his arrest, listen to audio of the 911 call, plus the famed director’s response to it all inside…
It’s a shame when the police are called on someone who is simply trying to get money out of their account USING their PIN and government issued identification to do so.
That’s what happened to Ryan Coogler.
The Black Panther director was detained by Atlanta police inside of a Bank of America after he was mistaken for a bank robber, according to a police report filed March 9th.
“This situation should never have happened,” said the famed director told Variety. “However, Bank of America worked with me and addressed it to my satisfaction and we have moved on.”
The CREED director was in Atlanta filming the sequel Blank Panther: Wakanda Forever, when he attempted to withdraw $12,000 from his bank account. Due to the large amount, Ryan – wearing sunglasses and a face mask – passed the bank teller a withdrawal slip with a note asking that his withdrawal be counted discreetly. The note reportedly read, “I would like to withdraw $12,000 cash from my checking account. Please do the money count somewhere else. I’d like to be discreet.”
TMZ obtained a picture of the note, seen below:
Somehow the teller was under the impression that Ryan was attempting to rob the bank when the amount transaction exceeded $10,000. The amount he requested triggered an alert notification on his bank account, so the woman notified her supervisor, informing that person that she suspected a robbery attempt.
Soon after, four Atlanta police officers arrived and detained Ryan – who is worth an estimated $25 million – and two people who were with him, waiting outside of the bank in a car with the engine running.
After they verified the famed director’s identity (he even told them to google his last name) and his Bank of America account, the officers released him and his colleagues.
Watch videos of the arrest via police body cam below:
TAKE A LOOK: This is Atlanta Police body camera footage of Black Panther Director Ryan Coogler being arrested inside a bank after he was mistaken for a bank robber by the teller. He was trying to get money from his own account. You can see an officer pull a gun.@FOX5Atlanta pic.twitter.com/T8MjJkEqDb
— Eric Perry (@Ericperrytv) March 9, 2022
And before Bank Teller Twitter gets in their feelings, Ryan put in his card and PIN number and still got the police called on him. https://t.co/hc59jC1Vy3
— Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) March 10, 2022
Audio from the 911 call placed by the bank teller (who has reportedly been identified as a pregnant black woman) as been released. Take a listen below:
Ryan Coogler 911 call clearly shows:
1. Teller admits to receiving ID & NOT looking at it
2. Dispatch sent officers BEFORE receiving all pertinent info & says “none of his information was even verified” & sounded like even she didn’t believe a crime was in progress
Gross pic.twitter.com/OjOtWIiNz1
— (@exavierpope) March 10, 2022
“He had no weapons, correct?” the 911 dispatcher asked the teller.
“Not that I know of,” the teller responded. She then proceeds to describe that he has on black sunglasses and a black hat, which seemingly made her suspicious.
Bank of America issued an apology (via Variety), “We deeply regret that this incident occurred. It never should have happened and we have apologized to Mr. Coogler.”
Peep Twitter reactions to Ryan’s arrest below:
The Ryan Coogler situation is another example of how little people understand what racism is.
Yes, the bank teller was a Black woman. Yes, the officer reaching for his gun was seemingly Black/brown. Yes, Ryan is famous. None of this negates racism — which can be internalized.
— Frederick Joseph (@FredTJoseph) March 10, 2022
the ableism & anti-Blackness in response to Ryan Coogler.
Writing is a legitimate way to communicate. YES! legit in banks, masks, shades, hoodies, Black skin.
Black people who don’t rely on speech to communicate are in mortal danger daily, but folks got jokes.
I really can’t.
— TL (@talilalewis) March 10, 2022
His own bank thinks Ryan Coogler is trying to rob them when he’s just trying to take money out of his own account, and then he gotta deal with Variety calling him a “promising” director. Any given Wednesday in America.
— Rebecca Carroll (@rebel19) March 9, 2022
Ryan Coogler…. Oscar nominated… directed the biggest Black film of our time…and was still arrested for trying to take his OWN money out of his OWN bank account. To BE BLACK IN AMERICA. Tuh.
— Crystal Lynn (@Lynn_CrysH) March 10, 2022
Ryan Coogler is very fortunate that he was able to stay calm while being wrongly arrested in his own bank while asking for his own money. It would be very understandble for him to have gotten upset and if he had he could’ve lost his life.
— Touré (@Toure) March 10, 2022
ALSO: the video of the incident shows that #RyanCoogler was handcuffed and detained before there was any discussion.
We don’t get the benefit of the doubt, EVER.
This could’ve ended very badly. #DamnShame https://t.co/Xu9apTJEbT
— yvette nicole brown (@YNB) March 10, 2022
As we previously told you, Ryan confirmed Bank of America addressed the situation to his satisfaction, so they’re good. It just sucks that black people are quickly discriminated against even when doing everything right. Ryan didn’t do anything wrong, yet, he could have lost his life in that bank had the wrong cops showed up.
By the way, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is set to premiere in November.
Photo: DFree/Shutterstock
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