01 Dec Holly Jolly and HO HO HO…New Holiday Song From Jamar Langley
Holly Jolly and HO HO HO…The Holiday Season is here and top of the pops recording artist Jamar Langley gives us a fun filled, throwback classic Christmas song with an updated Twist! His Holiday Hit “Saw My Baby Kissing Santa Claus” is based on that 70’s Jackson 5 holiday tune. As Jamar put it “My inspiration came from the iconic version of the Jackson 5’s “saw mommy kissing Santa Claus”. Since I’m a little older but still enjoy the organic feel of the record, I did a version entitled “Saw my baby kissing Santa Claus”. I added a mature jazzy feel to it to compliment my voice more while still enjoying the Christmas spirit!
A look inside this artist that is just launching! For a small window of time, every generation has the rare privilege to walk among legends of greatness. That era of time is now. These people entertain us in such a unique way that they leave a lifetime’s worth of impression on us. Our legend is crossing off everything on the list that is worthy of being called a great and if you haven’t heard by now, this is your introduction. When it comes to talent without boundaries, this singer and songwriter defines the difference between an artist and an entertainer. More on https://www.jamarlangleymusic.com
Signed to Chevi Muzic headed by Jeremy Reid, better known in the music biz as “J. Reid The Producer” aka “Chevi”. Hailing from Decatur GA Ried graduated from Stephenson High School in 2005 and attended Alabama A&M Uni in Huntsville AL. in 2006 He left University to pursue his career in music and in 2009 launchd his record label Chevi Music which is based in Atlanta.
IG: @Jriedtheproducer: https://www.instagram.com/Jreidtheproducer/
@chevi_muzicu : https://www.instagram.com/chevi_muzicu/
FB: Chevi Muzic : https://www.facebook.com/chevi.muzic
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