Seth Meyers Reveals How He Cost Marshawn Lynch An ESPY Award In 2011

Comedian Seth Meyers admitted that he believes he is the reason Marshawn Lynch did not win an ESPY for Best Play in 2011.

Seth Meyers, Marshawn LynchCraig Barritt / Getty Images

Meyers told the story after seeing a clip of Lynch’s iconic touchdown against the New Orleans Saints in 2010: “Watching this play sent me down a memory hole that gave me goosebumps as well as a pang of guilt. Let me explain,” he began.

The Late Night With Seth Meyers host went on to explain that, after seeing Abby Wambach remarkable World Cup goal, he suggested to ESPN that they nominate her for the Best Play award. Days later, Wambach was declared the winner and Meyers realized he may have cost Lynch the prize.

“Point is, I’m watching the play today and thinking, ‘did my suggestion rob arguably the best play of my lifetime of the ESPY it deserved?’  So, then I went back and watched the Wambach goal and felt a little better because it is SOMETHING…”

Meyers went on to invite Lynch to come on his show for an interview and said he will be donating to his charity:

“So I’d like to offer a sincere apology to Marshawn and to honor this play I will be making a donation to the Fam 1st Family Foundation he co-founded. And, Marshawn, if you ever want to deliver the acceptance speech you didn’t get to make, I invite you to do it on my show.”


Cole Blake
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