Dave Creek, “Bob’s Burgers” lead animator, dies at the age of 42, in skydiving accident, last week #BobsBurgers

Dave Creek Bob's Burgers dead skydivingBy Jay Rich
Hip-HopVibe.com Staff Writer

Fans of Adult Swim know “Bob’s Burgers” very well, as it’s become one of the channel’s most-popular shows. For decades, animated sitcoms have attracted wide audiences. The format was made popular, by “The Simpsons,” but Adult Swim has carved out a niche.

Animators, such as Dave Creek, managed to find a home, here. Creek is the brain, and artist, behind “Bob’s Burgers,” and, in 2019, he spoke on how fortunate he was for the opportunity. Unfortunately, Dave Creek met his untimely demise, last weekend.

Dave Creek, the lead animator behind “Bob’s Burgers,” died, unexpectedly, last week. Taking advantage of the downtime, Creek went skydiving, but he died in an accident, which took place. Creek was 42-years-old.

Source: Kollege Kidd

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