09 Jan Casanova’s $2.5M Bond Proposal In Consideration: Report
It’s been roughly a month since Casanova was indicted in the RICO case involving the Untouchable Gorilla Stone Nation. The rapper, along with 17 others, were charged as part of the apparent takedown of the Brooklyn-based gang. Cas has claimed his innocence since he turned himself in to authorities and now, he’s aiming to get out on bond.

Bennett Raglin/Getty Images
The rapper is expected to appear in court on Feb. 1st when the judge is expected to rule a motion on Casanova’s bond proposal of $2.5M. Per Vlad TV, the rapper’s attorneys filed documents to court asking U.S. District Judge Phillip Halpern to release him on bond. The $2.5M bond proposal consists of cash and properties put up by 13 people who are considered close friends and family to the Brooklyn rapper.
Prosecutors, however, are pushing back against the proposal, claiming Casanova’s affiliation with the Gorilla Stone Nation gang has been evident in his lyrics, social media activity, as well as other methods of conversation. The prosecutors are that Casanova is both a flight risk and a danger to the community, if he’s released.
Casanova’s attorneys fired back at the prosecutor’s claims that the rapper is a gang member or involved in any illegal activity, saying he “vehemently denies trafficking in drugs or possessing a weapon in relation to any criminal activity.”
“With their dependents, there are well over 20 men, women, and children who will be affected by the consequent indebtedness to the Government and the ensuing financial ruin that would follow if (Casanova) were to flee or violate any conditions of his bond,” Casanova’s attorneys wrote. “They know him best, and each of them has expressed their unequivocal certainty that Mr. Senior would never put their financial lives and well-being at risk.”
Prosecutors combated these claims with photos from Casanova’s IG that allegedly show firearms which they said were meant to “shamelessly promote a violent street gang.” Additionally, they found messages from the rapper’s iCloud where he’s allegedly selling cannabis for “1,700 a qt.”
An additional text message revealed Casanova allegedly informing other members of the Gorilla Stone Nation that if they don’t show up to a mandatory meeting, it “will be taken as A Direct act of Disrespect sic) & You will Be Wiped Down Immediately.”
Casanova isn’t charged with any violent crimes which would seemingly make it hard to prove that he’d be a “danger to the community.” The Brooklyn rapper was charged on counts of racketeering, trafficking controlled substances, and the use of a firearm in connection to drug trafficking.
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