06 Jan Rashad McCrorey, a well-known entrepreneur, decided to self-quarantine in Ghana, leading to a modern-day “Back to Africa” movement
By Jay Rich
Hip-HopVibe.com Staff Writer
As a businessman, Rashad McCrorey sensed a business opportunity, back in 2015. This is when he began organizing trips from the US to the continent of Africa. Creating a unique business was all McCrorey intended to do, but then COVID-19 happened.
Life has a way of taking people down different paths and the path it took Rashad McCrorey down is one he doesn’t regret. Still running his traveling business, while pursuing his other ventures, Rashad McCrorey found himself in Ghana, when things shut down. It would work out fine.
Rashad McCrorey, during the Coronavirus pandemic, decided to self-quarantine, in Ghana, for health reasons. As this story made national news, in Ghana, it soon reached other nations. By the time travel restrictions were beginning to lift, McCrorey had many people inspired to travel to Africa, sparking a modern-day “Back to Africa” movement.
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