05 Jan #BlackLivesMatter: No Charges Will Be Filed Against Kenosha Cop Who Shot Jacob Blake 7 Times In The Back
While it would be completely disingenuous to feign shock at this news, we are no less disgusted and angry than every other time we’ve watched this happen.
According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, District Attorney Michael Graveley just announced that Rusten Sheskey, the police officer who shot Jacob Blake 7 times in the back leaving him paralyzed, will not face a single criminal charge.
Gravely says that because Blake was armed with a “razor blade-type knife” that Officer Sheskey feared that he was about to be attacked and did what any “reasonable officer” would do in that situation.
“It’s really evidence about the perspective of Officer Sheskey at each moment and what would a reasonable officer do at each moment,” Graveley said. “Almost none of those things are answered in that deeply disturbing video that we’ve all seen. … Officer Sheskey felt he was about to be stabbed.”
Another day, another cop walks. Can’t lie, it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when there seems to be little to no will to truly hold officers accountable. The fight will never end. The marathon continues. But f**k…
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