Funniest (And Pettiest) Tweets From The “Power Book II: Ghost” Season Finale

Tariq is his daddy’s son!

Power Book II: Ghost” came thru with a stellar season finale where Tariq carved out his very own legacy as James St. Patrick’s son in a tangled web of exciting shenanigans that sent viewers into a frenzy.

“Like grief, Tariq’s acceptance of his similarities to his father is not on a straight trajectory,” said Courtney Kemp in an interview with EW. There are going to be moments and decisions he makes, especially in season 2, that are the opposite of what Ghost would do.

And there are going to be moments and decisions where he does exactly what his father would have done. And there are going to be moments when he looks at himself in the mirror and he doesn’t like what he sees.”

In the buzzy episode, we saw the return of fan fave Tommy Egan (ahead of his own series “Power Book V: Force“) who popped up in New York to knock off Tasha after learning about her plot to blame him for Ghost’s murder.

“It felt really good [to return], and it was also great because they have most of the same crew, and all of the crew members and I get along so well that it was a big homecoming,” said Joseph Sikora about his return in an interview with Entertainment Weekly.

“I mean, I walked onto set and got a bit of an ovation, and there’s nothing like being celebrated by your peers. And so I was just so grateful that everybody missed me, and I had such a great time being back.”

BUT it didn’t happen after he made a deal with Tariq who agreed to help him fake his death to end any investigation in exchange for sparing his mother.

However, in true “Power” fashion, Tommy reneged on the deal by attempting to hit Tasha once again only for him to be shut down by Monet, who told him to scram before taking Tariq back to the family.

We also witnessed the long-awaited death of “Jabari” (WHO REFUSED TO MIND HIS BUSINESS) and Tariq humiliating Saxe in a truly satisfying moment that set the bar HIGH for Season 2.

How did you feel about the finale? Tell us down below and peep the funniest (and pettiest) tweets from the “Power Book II: Ghost” season finale on the flip.

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